At Personal Trainer Cape Town we assist you with all your fitness,and Personal Training needs in Cape Town and abroad...

What results do you want?

At Personal Trainer Cape Town,I ensure that all exercises that I prescribe for my clients, have all the components of a healthy lifestyle program, namely:


Stress reduction


which are the main foundations of any exercise regime.  These fundamental tools, along with hard work and dedication from you, will allow you to achieve your most desired fitness goals that I as your Personal Trainer can assist you in achieving…



Your results will be directly related to how much consistency, effort and determination you put in during your program.

As your Personal Trainer and “partner”, I will provide you with direction, motivation and a can-do-attitude, as well as provide you with the tools to safely and successfully accomplish your fitness and lifestyle needs, whether they be weight loss, weight gain, fitness training to mental wellbeing…etc


My goal as your Personal Trainer is to make fitness and nutrition fun, inspirational and educational.

So,… what are you waiting for, contact Personal Trainer Cape Town now, and let us, assist you in achieving those goals.

You can do ANYTHING you set out to do!

Ask yourself 3 questions:

What do you want to become?

What do you want to attract?

Most importantly, what do you want to create?

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